The first advice would be to stop being boring. Now, how do you do that? Think about it. You already know the answer. If you were to describe someone who was the opposite of boring, what would they do? And what would they do if they had no friends and nothing interesting happened in their life? Don’t you think they would go out and make something interesting happen?
Now this is easier said than done, so I will give you some ways to achieve this for yourself:
Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone.
Right now you are very comfortable where you are at. You are comfortable staying at home and being on the computer. If you were uncomfortable you would change it. That being said, you still want to get out of your comfort zone. The problem with this is that the path of least resistance always leads back to our comfort zone.
We always go back to that which we know. We eat the same foods, talk to the same people and do the same activities. Therefore, to get out of your comfort zone you need to try something new. Get in the habit of going for new experiences, especially that which makes you feel uncomfortable or scares you a bit.
If you have no friends, go talk to strangers at gamestop, if you play video games, or at an art store if you paint. If you have no partner, talk to people at a bar or at a store. And if you want to experience more then go and talk to your friends about events that you planned for all of you. All of these things may sound very difficult to you, but that is exactly the point. They sound difficult because you are totally uncomfortable doing them, and they will be hard at first. But the beauty is that we always get better at what we do. Now imagine how much better your life would be if you could make friends at random locations, or if you could talk to the other gender without a problem, or plan amazing events that all your friends would love to join you on. Wouldn’t that make life more interesting?
Stop Being Passive.
“nothing interesting happens to me in life.” That is the mentality of someone that believes life happens to you not life happens by you. Right now you do not have any friends and your life is boring… Okay, what now? What will you do about it?
Are you just going to sit there and wait for something to happen? Or are you going to go out and solve the problems? You do not wait for food to appear cooked on your plate either. When you are hungry you will go seek out food, cook it if you must, and then eat it. Right now you are hungry but are just waiting for food to magically fall out of the sky. Sure, it might happen, but chances aren’t very high.
You know what it takes to become more interesting, but unless you go out and do it nothing will change. Its a choice. Right now. Make it! Say it out loud! " I WILL become an interesting Person. I WILL find a way to make friends and live an amazing Life. I choose this right now and will do whatever it takes."
Drop Your Old Self.
You are who you choose to be now not who you thought you were. The past makes up who we are right now, but what we decide to do right now makes up who we become. You may be an uninteresting person with no friends right now. But you can change that at any point you wish if you just change your actions.
If your actions stay in line with who you are, you will not change. To change you need to do something different, everything else is literally insanity. (Definition of Insanity according to Albert Einstein: “Doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results”)
Who do you want to become? What do people that have those qualities do? How do they act? How do they walk? How do they talk? Adopt as many of their mannerisms and activities as you can and your life will change almost automatically!
Develop A Positive Attitude. Have Fun.
People flock around the thing that seems to give the most joy, whether that is a thing or a person doesn’t matter. When we see others having fun in a bouncy castle, we want to go in there. When we see others laughing loudly playing a video game, we want that video game. But we also want to be close to the person that always seems to have fun.
The reason for this is that we all desire to be happy. The most common Life Goal of the entire Population is simply: Happiness. So when there is someone around that has the time of their life almost every day, it is not wonder that everyone wants to spend time with them!
Become that person that always has the most fun. You do not have to worry about others having fun, because as soon as you just start having fun, they will come and join in. Be a little selfish here. What can you do to have more fun right now? How can you turn this situation into one that will make you laugh and where you enjoy yourself?
Do The First Thing That Comes To Mind.
What should I do today? What do I want to do right now? Focus on what you want instead of what you do not want.
Right now you are telling us all these things that are going wrong, that are not going right, well… what is it you want instead? And then, when you figure out what that is, take the first thing by the balls and run with it!
The problem we often face in these situations is that we find something we want to do, and then use the word “but”. I want to go out to an amusement park with my friends, but I bet they do not want to go. I want to talk to this girl, but I am too scared. I want to be happy, but I don’t know how.
Stop before the word “but”. As soon as you realize you are saying it, stop yourself and go back. I want to go out to an amusement park with my friends. I want to talk to this girl. I want to be happy. No “but”s. Instead of justifying why you can’t do it, find a way so you can do it. Or even better: Just do it!
Try not using the word “but” for 1 week. Just a week. And see what happens!
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